Our Story

Several times a week, we hear our customers say – “I’ve driven by this place a hundred times, but never stopped in”. Its hard to miss the iconic bright yellow building with its banner and American flags right off Exit 26 in Caldwell, but if the carnival-like exterior isn’t enough to lure you in, the name itself draws a lot of curious travelers. “Fireworks & Fur” – What the “Heck” is that all about?

For the Heck’s, its about family and the American dream that began five decades ago and has evolved into the largest fireworks dealerships in Idaho. Entering the store there is an immediate overload of the senses. It’s almost overflowing with the most eclectic assortment of merchandise outside a Walmart. The walls are lined with trophy mounts of big game. The racks are filled with hides of almost every furry critter imaginable, the shelves packed with leather, skulls, household decorations, jewelry, knives, purses and more. Yet more shelves hold fireworks of every kind. It’s an amazing display that has most customers uttering the words, “I had no idea you had all this stuff in here!”.

50 years ago the Heck’s were just starting out. Dennis (founder) loved to hunt and trap and spent winters catching coyotes, bobcat & marten. He would sell his furs to the Seattle fur exchange, eventually expanding to become a major buyer for Eddie Bauer and overseas markets. Every summer he and his wife Chris would sell fireworks in the Canyon County area. In 1980 they purchased the current property off the freeway where Dennis’s father owned a grocery store and Cafe and built Rocky Mountain Fireworks and Fur Co.

While the “fur” part of the company was going strong, the “fireworks” portion faced opposition from authorities who challenged the Heck’s right to sell out-of-state fireworks. After numerous court battles over the fireworks issue, they finally won in the Idaho Supreme Court. This decision established the Heck’s as pioneers and paved the way for other small businesses in the state.

So here we are today, the business is now being run by Jake & Jessi Heck – Smith who plan to keep Rocky Mountain Fireworks and Fur Co. alive for future generations to come.

We invite you to drop in and check us out! Our normal Business hours are Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm with extended holiday hours during peak season.